Worried about your dog now that you’re back to work? This ingenious device can help.
The Furbo 360° is a smart security camera designed specifically for dogs.

The Furbo 360° at work
The pandemic lockdowns may have been a nightmare for humans, but they were actually pretty fantastic for dogs. Sure, people suffered through social isolation, and economic turmoil, and crippling anxiety. But dogs? Millions got adopted from breeders and shelters alike. And all dogs got extra walks, extra couch cuddles, extra belly rugs, and extra treats. They were literally living their best lives. And now that the most drastic public health measures are over, a lot of dogs are going through separation anxiety.
According to dog behavior experts Jessica Pierce and Marc Bekoff, the return to “normal life” is a big problem for American pooches. Dogs everywhere got used to humans being around all the time. And obviously, there was a lot of emotional co-dependence. Now, all the humans have to go back to doing all the stuff they used to do before. And dogs are just at home, by themselves for hours on end.
“Dogs, like humans, know perfectly well how to be alone, and many dogs want and need considerable time alone,” Pierce and Bekoff recently explained in Scientific American. However, “pandemic dogs need help remembering how to be alone because we have made them forget.”
So how are you going to help your dog remember? Whether you’ve got a new dog who has never been alone all day, or you’ve got an older dog that just got used to all that extra companionship, you need to do everything possible to help your doggo through this difficult transition.
Luckily, the Furbo 360° Dog Camera can help.
The Furbo 360°
Image via Furbo
The Furbo 360° is a smart dog camera that lets dog owners watch and interact with their furry friends while they are away. Just like a regular security camera, the Furbo 360° features HD video and real time two-way audio communications that you can access through the Furbo app on iPhone or Android. However, unlike a regular security camera, the Furbo 360° camera can rotate on its base, creating 360° views with its wide-angle lens, and detect when your dark is barking. It also has color night vision, plus AI technology that tracks your dog’s movements.
Oh, and did we mention the Furbo 360° can also toss your dog a treat? Because it can, either on command, or on a customized schedule set by you.
Want more than the basic movement tracking and treat dispensing? Sign up for Furbo Dog Nanny. This subscription backs up all recordings on the cloud and creates a daily highlight video, so you never miss anything important, dangerous, alarming, or adorable. Furbo Dog Nanny also gives you more robust alert options that can tell you when your dog is chewing or getting into something dangerous. Furbo Dog Nanny can even detect the sound of fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, or other alarms going off in your home. And its Home Emergency Alerts will notify you when any alarms go off in your home.
If you’re looking for a way to help alleviate your dog's separation anxiety, the Fubo 360° is the perfect solution. And the coolest part is, when you buy one, you’re not just helping your dog. A portion of every single sale also goes to support a real rescue dog. That’s what you call a win win!
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