Small, everyday gestures that people say have made all the difference in their relationships
"Honestly, just putting your phone down when they’re talking."

There's more than one way to makes someone feel loved.
Sure, candlelit dinners and hot air balloon rides are a lovely way to stir up some romance. But there can be just as much love found in everyday gestures. Love languages, be it acts of service or physical touch, are just as potent when whispered than when shouted over the rooftops. And in some ways, they could even be more impactful, since they can consistently strengthen a relationship day in and day out.
Just ask these happy couples on Reddit, who shared the “small, everyday gestures” that make all the difference in their own relationships. Goodness, these comments were really sweet. And if you are currently in a relationship, you just might find yourself thinking “hey, my partner and I do these things all the time! I guess we’re doing okay” after reading.
Keep scrolling to enjoy some of our faves:
1. “Tidying up your shared space without seeking recognition for it.” -TheDadThatGrills
2. “Don’t save the ‘thank you’s for only the big stuff, you and your partner should be thanking another for the little things too. It makes such a huge difference!” -Kotoriichi
3. “Honestly, just putting your phone down when they’re talking. It’s the little things.” -sweetyBooby21
To that, Tournamentdecides replied:
"Or if you’re on your phones, and they go to show you a video or a meme…don’t shut them down by saying you’ve seen it. They’re excited!”
"Wow, honey. I certainly haven't seen this meme a million times before!" Photo credit: Canva
4. “I sent my husband surprise flowers when he was in the office for his one day a week. Lol he spent the whole day fielding questions like 'Ooooh what has she bought?' ' What has she done now...' The photo he sent of him grinning with his flowers was fabulous lol.” -SuspiciousParagraph
5. “Remembering things that they say they like, want to try, and surprising them with it later.”-Gerrylovesgym
6. “Random hugs from behind. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s always a vibe.”
A hug from behind is an instant mood booster. Photo credit: Canva
7. “I work in a dive bar. My boyfriend will come down, rain, shine, or snow, whether it's 1am or 3am, and help me close. He will come down if I have customers or if it's empty. He doesn't like the idea of me being here alone that late, especially with some of the strangers that pass through town. It's not a form of control either. It's sweet, and it makes me feel safe.” -JellyBeanBonanza29
8. “Forehead kiss.” -vxcfgfhfghrftrt
9. “One time my fiancé cried because I made her a quesadilla without her asking.” -turokzelda
10. “My husband fills my tumbler with ice and water every day when I get home.” -SKULLDIVERGURL
11. “Checking in.’How's your day? Any problems? Anything you want to get off your chest?’ Being sincere and listening goes a long way.” -AudibleNod
12. “Doing your part…if the trash is full…take it out…who cares whose turn it is…if you’re both hungry…cook, pick something up, suggest a delivery…just feed yourselves…basically just do your part of whatever needs to be done that day for you, for your partner…just show up! Be someone your partner can rely on. I guarantee if you did this…in most relationships…this would eliminate maybe 70% of relationship issues.” -iiam_Human
13. "When they notice you’re stressed and just start doing things to help out. No words needed.” -HOty_Cuty123
14. “Remembering something I mentioned to them in passing a long time ago. Nothing says I love you like those small things you'd think they'd forget.” -DakotahBlueX
15. “Sharing snacks while binge-watching is a big deal!! It’s like saying you care without actually saying it, ya know?”
Snacks + Netflix = LOVEPhoto credit: Canva
16. “I don't do it every day. But every few weeks I'll slip in a cute note with my wife's lunch when she has to go into the office.” -domlemmons
17. “Hubby holding the door for me. He has been doing that since the day we met, 39 years ago.“-brsb5
18. "My husband makes coffee and brings me a cup while I’m still in bed. I start the day knowing I’m loved.” -Stripmallbars
19. “Telling me things you wouldn't tell anyone else. Even little things. Honesty is the foundation of trust, and trust is the basis of every relationship.” -Generico300
20. “My wife would make my lunches, and she would draw smiley faces or other fun stuff in my bananas every single made me so happy, especially when I was struggling with my new promotion at work. So I would take a picture of it every time. Over the course of a year, I made a gif with her banana smilies and sent it to her as a little thank you. It's the little things that make it worth it.🥰” -Weedenski
21. “Every night my partner sets out a mug, plate, and knife for me so I can easily make matcha and toast in the morning without having to fumble in the cabinets. Every morning it makes me smile and feel loved and cared for.” -helicopteraresexy
22. “The best simple advice I ever got was to kiss your partner every single time you separate and every time you reunite...NO MATTER WHAT. It's a small reminder that you love each other. I've literally been in arguments with my partners where they had to leave and we will kiss no matter how mad we are.”
It's amazing how much of a postive impact kissing makes on a relationship…even during hard times. Photo credit: Canva
And last but certainly not least…
23. “Love taps on the buttocks. Right cheek. Stay consistent.” -urcrazyifurnormal
Here’s to all the ways, both big and small, to say “I love you.” And to the ones that make us feel profoundly loved even in the mundanity of regular life.