Man with terminal cancer throws himself a 'going away party' in lieu of a memorial service
He wanted to attend his own "celebration of life," so he just…did.

Gathering with loved ones to say good-bye can be empowering.
When you know your life will be coming to an end soon, what do you do? How do you spend your final weeks? Do you get your affairs in order? Spend time with your family as you await the inevitable?
If you're someone like Bibi Brzozka's father, you throw yourself a goodbye party as if you're only getting ready to leave town. Brzozka shared a video about her father, who is dying of terminal cancer, organizing a "Goodbye Party" for 50 of his friends and family so they could celebrate his life while he was still alive and able to enjoy it.
"My dad is a legend," Brzozka wrote in an Instagram post. "I’m not sure how it is in your country, but in Poland, admitting you are dying is often seen as giving up—a big no-go because it's believed to bring bad luck. It makes people deeply uncomfortable. Here, we have a tradition of honoring people after their funeral. It’s called STYPA. But my dad? He wasn’t interested in a gathering where he wouldn’t be present—so he decided to have a PRE-STYPA instead.
"This was completely new for people here—bold, unconventional, and courageous. But that’s just who my dad is.
And that’s exactly what I’ve inherited from him. We're not "normal"…We do things differently.
"What truly amazed me was how many people left inspired, saying they’d love to celebrate their life while they’re still here."
"While it was shocking for some, it was also deeply inspiring for others," Brzozka shared. The idea of saying goodbye properly, at a dedicated event with that specific focus, is a beautiful way to embrace the end of life and to celebrate the person who will be passing on, even if it's not what we normally see.
Others in the comments shared stories of their loved ones throwing similar parties and how much it meant to everyone who came.
"My great aunt did this back in the 1990s. She paid for all her siblings and their kids to join her in Florida when she was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. I accompanied my grandma, the oldest sibling, and one other from my generation was invited. I was always close to Aunt Florence. It made sense to me when she said, why would I want you all to throw a party after I’m gone? Let’s do it now."
"I got to perform for a similar goodbye party for someone passing away from cancer, last year. Very small and intimate gathering with family and friends, got to sing their special requests, everyone was singing along crying, and dancing. It was so hard holding back tears watching everyone emotional and embracing each other 🥺🥹 this is indeed a lovely idea more ppl should do, celebrate each other in life while we have the chance."
Celebrations of life don't have to wait until death.Photo credit: Canva
"My friend did this about 25 years ago she had breast cancer - We sang and danced and a young man came to sing for her he bought her a birthday present-she said oh no darling it's not my birthday it's my going away party 💔❤️🩹she was so brave❤️I still talk about it with friends."
"One of my close friends did this before she passed of breast cancer. It's was an amazing event and when I miss her, I watch the video of her farewell party."
"I went to a celebration of life party for a friend who was terminally ill. At first I found the concept odd but he enjoyed it very much and we all laughed and cried tears of joy together. Our culture needs to change its views on dying It is not something to hide but rather to celebrate a life well lived."
Good food and good company make a goodbye party a celebration.Photo credit: Canva
Many people said that they loved the idea and appreciate how it celebrates life while life is still happening.
"What a blessing to be able to do that, many of us don’t have the privilege of knowing when our time will come. And while it doesn’t necessarily make it easier, I think this is a beautiful way to honor life and walk along side him on his journey home. ❤️ much love to your sweet dad and the family/community he created."
"I love this!! I’m all about why do we only rest in peace, let’s live in peace too! I think this is a perfect example of that perspective. Don’t come and honor me once I’ve passed, come celebrate my life while I’m alive! Thank you, for sharing! This is a beautiful idea and a way I’d love to say goodbye to the most important people in my life."
"What a beautiful idea. I would definitely do that. And I might one day."
Looking death in the eye and saying, "Hey, let's have a big final bash and celebrate this life of mine!" is an incredibly empowering way to not only accept death, which eventually comes to us all, but to embrace life with radiant joy.