Donald Trump thinks women should dress a certain way. Twitter proved him wrong.
Dress, pants, skirts, shorts — wear what you want.
Coming from the world of reality TV and beauty pageants, it's no surprise that President Donald Trump has a pretty serious interest in the optics of any given situation — with a focus on people who look the part and less about if they're actually able to do the job.
Whether talking about "his generals," his cabinet, or his vice president, Trump often puts an emphasis on on looking "straight from central casting" (yes, he really said that) as one of the things he seeks in candidates for just about any position.
Trump poses with Miss USA 2012, Olivia Culpo, in Las Vegas. Photo by David Becker/Getty Images.
But it was a line from a recent article at Axios that had people scratching their heads (emphasis mine):
"Trump likes the women who work for him 'to dress like women,' says a source who worked on Trump's campaign. 'Even if you're in jeans, you need to look neat and orderly.' We hear that women who worked in Trump's campaign field offices — folks who spend more time knocking on doors than attending glitzy events — felt pressure to wear dresses to impress Trump.'"
What does it mean to "dress like a woman"?
How aren't we past this by now? It's a statement that certainly gives off a very Victorian vibe.
May 1884: Late Victorian flower show and garden party dresses, with high bustles and fitted corset lines. Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images.
It's 2017! Are you a woman? Are you wearing clothes?
If you answered "yes" to both questions, congratulations! You're dressed like a woman!
In response, people took to Twitter to provide some powerful examples of what it means to #DressLikeAWoman whether you're at work ...
... or, of course, at play.
Comedians Cameron Espisito and Rhea Butcher shared this example of women dressed like women while getting married to another woman.
Other people shared photos of women who dress like women while serving their country.
The point here is that there's no right or wrong way to be a woman (or a man, for that matter) and that includes what you decide to wear.
Some women like to wear dresses; some don't. It's not what's being worn, but who's wearing it that counts. So wear a dress, or a suit, or scrubs, or a uniform, or even a wookie costume while you belly dance — just be yourself while you're doing it, and you'll be fine.