Daycare dubbed 'Heaven for Dogs' lets house dogs run wild on a 20-acre farm
This is like no doggie daycare you've ever seen.

Back when I lived and worked in the city, I used to take our dog to doggie daycare. It was a cute little building not far from my office, and I would drop her off in the morning and pick her up on my way home. Periodically throughout the day, I'd get pictures of her playing with the other pups on the enclosed outdoor turf area, or I could check the live camera feed. When I finally got her into the car, she would be happily exhausted. It was a little pricey but she loved it! And it sure beat leaving her home alone all day.
That's the doggie daycare that I know — simple, but a good way to keep your dog stimulated and exercised while you're away. But now I wish that I lived in Adelaide, Australia because there's a new doggie daycare picking up buzz and it might be the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Adelaide Dog Farm Days starts in the most unique and adorable way possible. They come pick your dog up from your house – on a school bus!
The pups pile inside together like a bunch of kids heading to elementary school. It gets a little raucous in there as the excitement for the day builds.
(Spoiler alert: Check out the before and after video. These dogs are wiped out at the end!)
@adelaidedogfarmdays Friday was hectic! Let’s do it all again next week #dogdaycare #dogbus
Once they get to the farm, they've got a jam-packed day of adventure ahead of them.
We all know the joke that when your dog dies as a kid, your parents tell you that he went to go live on a farm so he could run free and play with other dogs. Well these dogs actually get to do it.
Bus pick up runs from 7-9am, and then the pups get about six hours of free play on a 20-acre farm. They can run through the dirt and grass just about as far as they could ever imagine (the edges are gated in for safety, but the space is massive). They can swim in the lake and roll in the mud. They can follow scents and dig in the dirt uninhibited — no turf playgrounds here! And of course, when they need a break, the staff is on hand to give belly rubs and scratches to anyone who needs one.
Your pup is bound to get messy while he's living his best life, that's why you can opt to have them bathed at the end of the day so they're returned to you fresh and clean.
Seriously, just look at how happy these dogs are. It's no wonder people call this place "Heaven for dogs."
The founder, Owen, recalls sitting at home in his small townhouse with his pet border collie and thinking "You're a farm dog. You deserve a farm."
"All dogs deserve a chance to run around and be a farm dog," he says. That thesis inspired him to open his unique business.
There's nothing wrong with more traditional doggie daycares. They give dogs a chance to play and exercise with other dogs in a safe and contained area instead of being cooped up all day. Play is incredibly important for dogs — did you know that while many mammals love to play, dogs and humans are some of the only ones who never lose that love of games? Even as dogs get older and slow down, they never lose their interest in fun and adventure. In fact, regular play is hugely important for dogs' brains, and can help slow cognitive decline as they age. And of course, the exercise is always important, and even necessary — ask anyone who has an energetic puppy how important it is to let them run every single day.
Few dogs get to ever experience the level of fun and adventure found on an open farm where they can run and swim to their hearts' content. Adelaide Dog Farm Days is getting tons of love on social media, but it's not the only daycare of its kind. You can find similar getaways for your pup in many U.S. states — though they won't always have the adorable morning school bus pick up.
I may not live anywhere close to Adelaide, but watching these videos is inspiring me to get my lazy house dogs some more adventure in their lives. Maybe we'll start with a hike and work our way up to an exhausting, six-hour day on a farm. They definitely deserve it.