Dad recorded his baby’s sounds for a year, then used them to remake AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’
You've been thunderstruck.

Ever seen a baby "sing" a rock song before they can talk?
Few things bring as much joy to a parent’s heart as the adorable sounds their babies make. But when a dad with a vision, a camera and a year's worth of footage uses those sounds to recreate one of the most iconic rock songs ever…let's just say joy alone doesn't quite cover it.
In one of the most epically adorable and adorably epic song renditions ever, dad and video editor Matt MacMillan spliced together tiny snippets of his baby's sounds to make AC/DC's "Thunderstruck." And it's one of those things you just have to see to believe.
Baby Ryan singing "Thunderstruck" is jaw-droppingly awesome
Nothing but awe and respect for a guy who takes a whole year to get just the right sounds at the right pitches and figures out to put them together to create this masterpiece:
Making a sneeze into a cymbal? Are you kidding me?
People have been understandably impressed, with the video getting over 6 million views.
"Ryan becomes the vocalist of AB/CD."
"I need a cover in 17 years whenever he is an adult singing over the instrumentals lol"
"'I recorded my son for a full year. I edited for the next 5'"
"The fact that he genuinely found clips that fit every note he need instead of just pitch shifting like most videos like this do really makes this stand out. Good job he’s adorable."
"This dude had a kid just so he could make this song. What a Legend."
"Other parents: 'I want my child to create masterpieces.' This guy: 'my child IS the masterpiece.'"
"I'm a residential plumber and I've had an absolutely horrible day on a work shift that's lasted 13 hours and even after crawling through human poop all day this made me smile laugh and giggle like a small baby."
Believe it or not, it's not autotuned or pitch-shifted. Those notes are all baby.
The question is: How did he do it? This isn't just some autotune trick. MacMillan really did it all manually, going through each video clip of Baby Ryan, organizing them by pitch and figuring out what notes they were.
Perhaps most impressively, he didn't even know the notes of "Thunderstruck" to begin with and doesn't really read music. He had to pluck the song out on the piano and then match those notes with his baby's sounds.
As he wrote, "It took forever." But he shared an inside look at how he did it here:
Seriously, doesn't seeing how he did it make it even more impressive? Pure human creativity and perseverance on display. What a delightful gift Ryan will have for the rest of his life. Much better than a standard baby book.
Baby Ryan's "Thunderstruck" was not MacMillan's first foray into baby covers, either. He previously created a rendition of "Carol of the Bells" using Baby Ella's sounds, and it is just as impressive (and adorable) as Baby Ryan's. Here's one to add to your holiday playlist:
Here's to the humans who wow us with their ambitious, innovative projects that exist purely to bring a smile to people's faces.
You can follow Matt MacMillan on YouTube.
This article originally appeared last year.