An 'SNL' comedian stars in a video that perfectly sums up why gender equality is a big deal.
Zamata teams up with the ACLU to remind us that the fight for equality isn't over. And it's totally lolsob-worthy.
Talking politics with friends can be difficult. Especially when you have a friend who ... just ... doesn't get it.
Cue Sasheer Zamata (of "Saturday Night Live" fame) and the ACLU's hilarious new video. In Zamata's inaugural act as the ACLU's women's rights ambassador, we follow her as she tries to explain to her well-meaning but slightly clueless friend that we have a ways to go with that whole gender-equality thing.
"I know everyone's talking about gender inequality," he says. "But haven't we come a long way in this country?"
What happens to Zamata during their short, casual stroll is a perfect rebuttal.
It's like the universe offered these lessons on a silver platter.
GIFs via the ACLU.
Politics: "There's way more women in politics right now," her friend says — as they pass by this poster:
And policing: "In my experience, everybody here in this country is treated fairly," says her friend as Zamata gets stopped and frisked.
He wouldn't have bothered to stop and frisk her if he knew she had a white male friend!
While the content is hilarious, it makes a somber point: Just because we've made (a lot) of progress doesn't mean the journey to equality is over.
We still have a long way to go to achieve gender equality. That's why this #lolsob-worthy video is so brilliant.
Watch the hilarious video below and share it with your well-meaning friends: