An eagle without a beak got a new one that was printed just for her.
Let's hear it for the power of the technology!
I have a story to tell you.
It gets sad, but then it has a happy and hopeful ending. I hope you're in for it!
Once upon a time...
...there was an eagle named Beauty. She lived in northern Idaho and spent her time being all eagle-y in the forest, probably doing something majestic like this:
This is a different eagle, but you get the idea. Aren't they cool?
There was also an evil hunter in the same forest. This hunter, who either doesn't know federal laws or who was trying to shoot something else and has really bad aim...
(Here comes the sad part)
...shot Beauty in the face.
But wait, that's not the end of the story!
Because of Beauty's horrible mishap, she lost most of her beak. She couldn't eat or clean herself, and she almost died. Luckily, conservationists found her, and she was nursed back to health. But she still didn't have a beak. Not yet.
Did you know that beak reconstruction is a thing? That exists in the world already?
A designer and a dentist (yes, a dentist) heard about Beauty's predicament. The designer used a computer program to design a beak for her, and after 18 months of design and construction... now had a beak.
Cue Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson!
(It's a silly pun, I know, but it's been stuck in my head since I started writing this, so now you must enjoy those smooth '90s sounds with me.)
Watch the video below to see how her beak was reattached by a dentist — yes, for humans — and how Beauty has ha a new lease on life:
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