An awesome dad created an adorable home workout video to show how he bonds with his kids.
When fatherhood and fitness collide, it's pretty darn adorable.
Brent Kruithof is the kind of dude who loves working out, but his job as a CPA wouldn't allow him to do it very often.
During his busy seasons, Kruithof could barely find time to sneak in a quick trip to the gym, so you can imagine how hard it was for him to find quality time with his wife, Katie, and their two young sons, Giorgio and Decker.
Photo from Brent Kruithof, used with permission.
The issue was time.
He was spending too much time away from his family due to the demands of his day job, and he wasn't about to sacrifice precious family moments to work out at the gym no matter how badly he wanted to.
Something needed to be done.
His answer? Incorporate his kids into his workout routine.
And the results were adorable.
It included working out while his baby giggled.
All GIFs from Flyup Fitness and used with permission.
And getting some father-son ab work in.
Baby-wearing? Yep, he does that, too.
And finally ... watching his son navigate through the "daddy bridge" in style.
He even managed to come up with a whole home workout company called Flyup Fitness designed for parents who didn't want to spend their free time away from the kids.
Once Kruithof shared his family workout video on Facebook, it went viral, and his company soared to the next level.
"In one week, our sales numbers were equal to our sales over the previous six months," he said. "It's great to have a positive impact on families all over the world."
And it's all because Kruithof demonstrated how fun it can be to workout while spending time at home with the people you love most.
Now Kruithof spends more time with his sons than ever before. And, oh yeah, he's in the best shape of his life.
All it took was a little creative time management to get there.
"Family is the most important thing to me," he said. "I hope my kids will use my journey as an example that they matter to me more than anything else."
Sure, not everyone enjoys working out — but no matter what your thing is, there usually is a way to bond with the kids while you're at it.
Either way, it's always nice to see a dad whose biggest muscle is his heart.
Check out Kruithof and his kids in action in this adorable video: