7-year-old demonstrates how to prioritize things with adorable 24-item To-Do list
She impressively managed to check off most of the 24 items.

When Chris Palermo's 7-year-old daughter, Ella, said she wanted to show him something, he was expecting another painting, or a piece of writing, or something that she had built. He never expected a lengthy – and thorough — To-Do list!
However, a To-Do list is exactly what he got. Ella had created a detailed table in the Notes app to keep track of all the things she hoped to accomplish. Chris posted a photo of the list to Reddit, where it was an instant hit, brightening the days of thousands and thousands of users.
Most of us keep a To-Do list of some kind, or a running list of chores and tasks we need to accomplish.
I have one of my own just like Ella's, sitting in my Notes app right now. For the record, Ella's is way better.
I've got lists of bills to pay and administrative phone calls to make, things to fix around the house, and upcoming appointments to keep.
Ella's got dancing and blowing bubbles.
But it's not all fun and games for this 7-year-old: The list also includes chores like cleaning up, eating dinner (always important), and reminders to 'learn something.'
However, the list is mostly fun and games.
And that's exactly the way it should be.
It's important to Ella that she never forget to:
- Sing
- Dance
- Play with dolls
- Dance again
- Take a video of herself dancing
- Take a video of herself dancing again!
- And do some writing
Now if she could only get around to painting that darn cupcake!
(How relatable is it that even Ella struggles to check off everything on her list? She even included 'Check Box' as the first item to give herself a little momentum to get through all her tasks!)
When Chris told his daughter that she was going 'viral' she said, "I didn't know I was going to get famous!" When she heard the post on Reddit got over thirty-thousand likes, she was even more excited. "So half the world liked it!"
Chris never expected the list to go viral. He just hopes people can learn something from it.
Being an adult can be mind-numbingly boring.
Our routines get stagnant, and our lists of responsibilities and Have-To-Dos get longer and longer every year. It's easy to forget to make time for things that have no productive value, things that we only do because we enjoy them.
And not just big things like planning your next vacation or meeting up with friends — although those are great, too.
"I hope [the list] gives us adults a pause and makes us think about our own to-do lists and responsibilities and the importance of having those joy-filled activities in there, too," Chris told Newsweek.
Ella's incredible list reminds us that we should be seeking out moments of joy every single day. Whether it's watching the clouds roll by, dancing in the kitchen, or learning something new just for fun.
And despite what you've been told, you're never too old to blow bubbles.
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