7 things that will make you smile this week
Because sometimes we need a little something extra to look forward to!

7 positive things to know
You know, sometimes the world can feel a bit heavy and we need some bright spots to look forward to in order to get through the week. Obviously everything can't be roses and sunshine all the time but we can certainly do our best to look out for the small moments that will brighten our days. One of our favorite ongoing features is sharing with you the 10 things that made us smile this week. It's a great way to end the week and remember that great things are happening all the time all around us. But what about Monday? So, we figured we'd give you a second list of things to look forward to as you head into your week. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you.
As humans, we can easily become a product of what we consume so why not try to consume the good even if it's in small doses. So many of the stories we share on Upworthy are filled with the best of humanity and silly pets doing their part in making the internet collectively smile. It only makes sense to put the best upcoming positive things at the start of the week to start us off on the right foot. Buckle up, because we've got some good things to share with you!
international cat day
Photo by Tuqa Nabi on Unsplash1. International Cat Day is August 8th
Well, would you look at that. It's cats topping the list. Not because cats are the number one bright spot this week. This list is technically in no particular order. No, cats are at the top of the list simply because they're sassy, fuzzy and cuddly. That is, when they feel like being cuddled. So, if you have a kitty in your life, today is the day to show them off and spoil them until your heart's content, or they walk away showing you their...um...tail. And if you're looking for a partner that will be just as excited as you are for international cat day, you can read about a cat lovers dating app here.
2. Our favorite semi talking tree has a series coming to Disney+ called I Am Groot
If you've watched Guardians of the Galaxy, or are a Marvel fan in general, then you already know who Groot is. If you've never seen him before then you're in for a treat. After some turbulent times, Groot found himself on a new journey with the Guardians of the Galaxy series as a potted tree that could only say "I am Groot" but you'll be happy to know he now has legs. Still a limited vocabulary but somehow he's entertaining and so dang cute. What more is there to say?
3. Sit under the stars and watch the Perseid Meteor Shower on August 12th and 13th
There's something magical about watching a shooting star streak across the night sky. I remember being a kid getting so excited that I'd jump up and down as soon as I saw one but the excitement would make my mind go blank. I almost always missed my opportunity to make a wish. Well on the night of August 12 you can make as many wishes as you want. The sky will be riddled with shooting stars. According to Accuweather, you can expect to see anywhere from 50-100 stars an hour.
4. The Wizard of Oz is turning 83
This one is just kind of cool. It almost feels like the little kids asking if televisions had color when we were younger. For some reason 1939 feels like things shouldn't have been colorized and yet the Wizard of Oz is proof that they indeed had color back then. The fact that this movie is still watched today is amazing. This August makes the Wizard of Oz 83 years old. And even after all that time, it's themes and magical storytelling still feel incredible relevant and worthwhile.
5. New Orleans is turning restaurants into solar powered hurricane refuge centers
New Orleans gets hit by hurricanes fairly often, while some are small blips that don't cause much damage, others are larger knocking out power for days or longer along with other damage. A non-profit organization called Get Lit Stay Lit is aiming to make sure the people in New Orleans have a cool place to go where they can get food and charge their devices. Hurricane season is smack dab in the middle of summer through early fall. It's hot and there's nothing more miserable than being hot and hungry. If this organization get the funding they need, they can create cooling hubs throughout the city. You can find out more about Get Lit Stay Lit here.
Super Moon
Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash6. The last super moon of 2022 is August 11
August is a busy month for astrological events I take it. If you look up in the sky on August 11 you're going to be staring at the last super moon of the year. The moon will appear much larger than we are used to seeing it because it's a little closer to earth according to the Almanac. While it may not be anything to write your relatives about, it will certainly be a sight to look forward to.
National zucchini day
Photo by By Pils on Unsplash7. Get a zucchini and confuse your neighbors
Rounding out our list of feel good news, August 8 is National Sneak Some Zucchini on Your Neighbor's Porch Day. Yeah, I didn't make that up, though it totally sounds like I did. If you want to confuse your neighbors, go ahead and leave them a little basket of zucchinis on their porch. They'll either thank the invisible giver or be pretty confused on how the random garden veggie landed on their door step. Either way, this is a holiday that is sure to put a smile on someone's face.