Incredibly wise 5-year-old asks their mom why parents don't treat themselves better
The lives of parents are as important as the ones they are helping create.

5-year-old asks why parents don't treat themselves better
Parents do a lot for their children. Some parents will go without or sacrifice things they may actually need to make sure their children have the best life that they can provide. It's easy to get caught up in daily life without much consideration of what that looks like from a child's point of view.
Parents can sometimes default to assuming a child's understanding of what they see as minimal. But one mom was reminded that children may understand much more than adults give them credit for. Ambreia Meadows-Fernandez posted a video to her social media page, Free Black Motherhood, that shows her 5-year-old asking why parents don't treat themselves better.
The video starts out with Meadows-Fernandez looking down off camera asking her child for permission to record the conversation. After gaining the little one's consent, she instructs them to ask the question they just asked again before you hear a little voice chime in.
"Why do grownups make sure their kids have a good life but not them," the little one asks.
To the child's surprise, their mom didn't have an answer but they had a pretty good guess to help mom out, "I think one of the reasons is that they think their kids are more important."
The caption on the video explains, "The kids notice. My spirit is so so tired. It’s why I haven’t been posting and hardly existing but this question, the fact that’s kids notices reminds me I need to rest but I can’t stop. I have to give myself a life as good as my kids."
Meadows-Fernandez's exchange with her child had parents in the comments a little emotional as some shared their own stories, while others encouraged the mom.
"They notice a lot and they help you notice too. I see something you may not see. From my vantage point, you’re doing a great job of being WITH your child in this moment. And staying truthful in saying “I don’t know” to a legitimate question is the sign of mature mothering. I see a woman being thoughtful about next steps. You’re doing better than you think, sis," one person praises.
"The fact your baby is asking that question tells me mommy is doing amazing work. You are raising a smart, compassionate and strong child. Be sure to take care of yourself because your baby is watching," someone writes.
"Why did that question make me cryyyyyyyy," another says.
"This touched me so deeply. So much wisdom from both of you. What deep love and the connection! Our little ones have such insight. And I could feel so much authenticity and heartfelt vulnerability, while still keeping your communication safe for your kids to receive. It was so beautiful to witness this. Thank you for sharing," a commenter shares.