Watch a 3-year-old adorably sing 'You Raise Me Up,' giving the lyrics a whole new meaning
"I am strong when I am on your shoulders…"

"You Raise Me Up" is a perfectly fitting song for a small child to sing.
Tantrums aside, there's not much a 3-year-old can do that isn't cute, but sometimes a little one pushes the adorable envelope so far you swear you might burst. Remember the little Italian preschooler gesticulating like an 85-year-old Sicilian grandmother? Or the 3-year-olds philosophizing about the meaning of friendship? Or the wee one who was convinced her favorite Disney characters had called her on the phone? Just when you think there can't be another little kid cuteness that tops the last, along comes a crooner with a tiny top bun to get us all up in our "Awwww"s again.
Nicholas Protsenko is only 3 years old, but he sings in public with his 6-year-old brother Leo playing the piano behind him (and sometimes with their older sister, Karolina, accompanying them on the violin). The musical family busks on sidewalks, much to the delight of passersby, and one recent performance of "You Raise Me Up" has people online cheering as well. Not only does Nicholas sing the whole song from memory, but there's something about a 3-year-old belting out, "I am strong when I am on your shoulders/
You raise me up to more than I can be" that just hits different.
"You Raise Me Up" was made popular in the U.S. by Josh Groban, but it was first performed by the Irish-Norwegian band Secret Garden. The melody was written by Secret Garden's Rolf Løvland and the lyrics by Irish novelist and songwriter Brendan Graham. It's been covered dozens of times, but Nicholas's version has people particularly tickled.
"That is an absolutely amazing performance from a three year old . . . well done Nicholas."
"What a cutie patootie. Well done Nicholas. The whole family is musically gifted and a joy to watch."
"Nothing is better than this! Filling my heart and soul to overflow. Thank you little ones!"
"My soul needed this. Let him know he did a great job and made my day."
All three of the Protsenko kids are musical, as are their parents. Karolina was featured on The Ellen Show at age 10 after being spotted performing at the promenade in Santa Monica and has since gained millions of followers on social media. The family has documented their kids' musical journeys on social media and as this commenter shared, it's brought lots of joy to their followers:
"These kids are phenomenal. I’ve watched these kids playing on the floor while their sister, Karolina, played the violin. Even before Karolina played the keyboards, or the guitar. Later, Leo was banging on little toy drums, and Nicholas was walking around playing like he was really playing a guitar. In a very short while, surprisingly, Leo started playing the keyboards for real. He was even playing them without even looking. Now, little Nicholas is singing. I’m blown away because he remembers all the words, and stays on key. He’s only like, three years old."
Indeed, it is quite extraordinary to be able to sing a whole song from memory, with accompaniment, at 3 years old. Other videos show Nicholas singing at home, in church and on street corners with the family, and he seems to genuinely enjoy himself.
Interestingly, many people think of "You Raise Me Up" as a praise/worship song, but there's nothing explicitly pointing to God or any higher power in the lyrics. In fact, the lyricist himself has refused to say who the "you" in the song is referring to. In reference to that question, which he says he's been asked frequently, Brendan Graham writes:
"I have never answered that question and it is best left unanswered. In that way the ‘you’ can be whomever you want it to be…mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandparent, husband, wife, partner, a loved one, a leader, a teacher…or even a power outside of ourselves…nature…the beauty of our world.
The ‘you’ can be anybody or anything that raises us up to be more than we can be…on our own.
In these times of great affliction for people everywhere, the ‘you’ can be each of us through what we do to help each other, to keep each other safe…to raise each other up.
It can also be each of you, who around the world come together to perform this song of hope and strength and gratitude for all those in our countries and communities who care for us…are there for us…and keep us safe."
All the more perfect for it to be sung by a 3-year-old.