21 times Cher kept it real on Twitter.
She speaks her mind so amazingly. And her emoji mastery is truly something to behold.
Image via CBS Television/Wikipedia.
You can count on her to see things from a unique perspective.
GIF from "Live! with Kelly and Michael."
Turning back time, getting you babe, believing in life after love ... she's got it covered. She's CHER!
When I saw Cher's trill-to-the-max post about an incident of police brutality at Spring Valley High School ...
... I knew I needed to see more.
So I went on a magical journey into the best tweets Cher — the icon, the singer, the mom, the advocate, the Bob Mackie dream, the best Twitter user ever — has to offer.
If you're not ready to keep it 100 with Cher, this post is not for you. For the rest of the 99.9% of the world ... let's get started.
1. If you don't expect a unique perspective from Cher, she'll straight up TELL YOU what to expect from her.
Fk it.
2. Best use of emojis to fight modern slavery, achieved.
3. Did I mention solidarity with teens? It's a hard time, and she's here to say "I've been there." Plus: bonus awkward photo.
4. And a passionate call to the American government to take some responsibility for the problem of mental health, guns, and mass shootings.
5. Afraid to call out the tragic racism shown in the Oscar-winning film "Glory"? Not Cher.
She asks the questions we all ask internally but are too awkward to say aloud. Cher, on the other hand, hasn't been awkward since age 13.
6. Cher reminds you that health is also about self love. <3
7. Again with the realness, and the real questions this time are about the refugee crisis.
With straightforward questions like these, I'm ready for her to moderate presidential debates!
And Olympic ceremonies.
Or my life.
8. She's not just generous in spirit either.
9. And she's a supportive mom-4-life to her son Chaz and his stage acting career.
Way before there was Caitlin Jenner, there was Chaz Bono. And Cher, of course, was nothing but supportive and amazing.
10. She's only human in the face of delicious fried fast food ... and only from time to time!
11. She once referred Nestlé as "the SeaWorld of water." That is all.
12. She basically said, "What's good?" to all the critics of Harper Lee, too.
13. Cher doesn't sugarcoat when it comes to anyone resorting to violence to keep young girls from their education.
14. Cher is my Twitter dream for her use of "SeaWorld" as an insult in so many different contexts.
15. True empathy through tragedy and an unwavering faith in the goodness of people? Check.
If you're starting to think, "I would like to get all my news, good and bad, from Cher," I am right there with you.
Cher speaks for the trees.
17. She has profound love and empathy for Joe Biden and respects him as he would want to be respected ... for his love of family.
18. She values expanding her vocabulary.
19. Cher realizes what it means to be a citizen.
Even after an emotionally harrowing viewing of the presidential debates.
20. Sometimes you need an emoji-laden reminder to relax.
Throughout my odyssey into Cher's tweets, I've found myself puzzled by the meaning of the ghost emoji. Cher continues to mystify and inspire curiosity!
21. And finally, I'd like to say that Cher does a mean TBT.
No word on whether that's the village people or some other magical music group. Original.
An amazing and rare moment of nonchalance. <3
This list just scratches the surface of the real talk magic that is Cher on Twitter.
You can (and should) follow her on Twitter. She responds with emoji truth to pretty much every current event you hear about, plus so much more.
I love seeing anyone, but especially celebs, being themselves to a fault, speaking their minds, and fighting not just for their own voice, but for the voices of those who can't fight for themselves.
Cher has never tried to fit in, and she's not stopping now! If only more Twitters were like this!
I'm sharing this in the hope it inspires even just one person to speak their mind a little louder, be a little bolder, and show just a little more of their true self!
Long live ALL the outspoken Twitter Chers of the world.