National Coming Out Day is a special kind of happy.
It's a celebration of walking in your own personal truth and deciding to be who you are without shame or fear. Don't get me wrong, the uncertainty is daunting, scary even. But coming out means jumping in and doing it anyway. And it feels good. Really good. Like your first deep breath after being underwater. It's a sweet relief.
To celebrate, many folks from the LGBTQ community are sharing their coming out stories and offering advice and encouragement to others waiting to take the leap.
Here are 11 stories that remind us all why coming out is an important act of bravery.
1. Coming out isn't easy, so María Isabel got some ink to remember what's important.
2. Braxton hasn't come out to his family as a trans man yet, so he leans on his friends for support.
3. Lorena is a bisexual woman engaged to the love of her life. "I've never been happier," she says.
A photo posted by Lorena Zeppilli (@_sunny_daze) on
4. Thedarkerbrother quoted the late, great Nina Simone in his message. "I'll tell you what freedom to me is: no fear."
A photo posted by CW (@thedarkerbrother) on
5. Visibility and coming out can be especially important for the people in the LGBTQ community who we don't hear as much about, like bisexuals, asexuals, or pansexuals.
A photo posted by Angelica (@hells_lost_angel) on
6. Loving yourself as you are is a major key. Just ask Carly.
Thank you for helping me learn to love myself for exactly who I am ❤💛💚💙💜#nationalcomingoutday #proud
A photo posted by carlygersten (@carlygersten) on
7. This is Cody. Cody is gay. And when people feel invisible or unloved for who they are, a message as simple as that may change a life.
I'm Cody. And I'm gay. #NationalComingOutDay
A photo posted by @thebeardedfruit on
8. Cassidy's coming out was pretty smooth, but she knows that's not always the case. That's why she's standing with her community today.
9. "Dream big," said Jerrod. Adding, "Each of us has a story, an insight, and a gift to share with the world. Let yours be known."
10. Coming out has opened a world of new perspectives and adventure for Jesse, who's happy to live openly.
11. If you're not ready or able to come out, that's OK. Just take it from fitness phenom Shaun T.
Everyone has their own journey. And for your own well-being, personal safety, or economic welfare, it may not be the best time for you to come out right now. But know that we see you and we recognize your struggle. You are not alone. That's what National Coming Out Day is all about.
And if you are ready: Come out, come out, wherever you are. Whenever you're ready. Whenever you're able.
Celebrate with pride, courage, and enthusiasm. Because love is love is love. And it's pretty, freakin' awesome.