Raynaud's (ray-NOHZ) disease causes some areas of your body — such as your fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress.
Look, everyone’s extremities feel numb when it's freezing out, but this goes above and beyond. If you're living with Raynaud's, then these 10 pictures are going to make you feel so seen.
#10. Just watching people “enjoy” the cold makes you shiver.
[rebelmouse-image 19345802 dam="1" original_size="736x374" caption="via Pixabay" expand=1]via Pixabay
Seriously, what is wrong with people?
#9. You’ve gotten used to looking zombie-fied.
[rebelmouse-image 19345803 dam="1" original_size="735x507" caption="via Twitter" expand=1]via Twitter
The discoloration might freak out your friends, though.
#8. Especially when it reaches your toes.
[rebelmouse-image 19345804 dam="1" original_size="698x393" caption="image via Twitter" expand=1]image via Twitter
Like, what’s up with that?
#7. You dream of moving to San Diego.
[rebelmouse-image 19345805 dam="1" original_size="733x382" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
Steady, year-round warm temperatures are your friend.
#6 You think that when your fingers turn what it's weird...
[rebelmouse-image 19345806 dam="1" original_size="737x627" caption="Image via Twitter" expand=1]Image via Twitter
...how about the fun shade of purple they turn when they start to warm up?
#5. Heat sources are like your crack.
[rebelmouse-image 19345807 dam="1" original_size="708x385" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
#4. Seriously, gloves are your best friend.
[rebelmouse-image 19345808 dam="1" original_size="700x350" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
#3. Your fingers (and toes) don’t just look weird...
[rebelmouse-image 19345809 dam="1" original_size="710x500" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
...they hurt like pins and needles, too!
#2. Too much air conditioning feels like death.
[rebelmouse-image 19345810 dam="1" original_size="619x390" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
Everyone else thinks air conditioning is the greatest invention ever, but you know the truth.
#1. Holding a cold beer is a huge no-no.
[rebelmouse-image 19345811 dam="1" original_size="649x440" caption="Image via Pixabay" expand=1]Image via Pixabay
Koozies are your friends.
This article was originally published by our partners at Did You Know Facts and was written by Trisha Leigh Zeighorn.