Give This Piece Of Modern Art Some Time To Sink In
It's important for art to ask tough questions. This conceptual piece is beautiful, weird, and shocking all at once. Don't forget to read the eloquent artist's statement (below the video) after watching.
Artist's statement on The Cure For Greed:
Whatever we feel about greed, we can agree on one thing: it exists.
Whether there’s too much of it in the world, or too little, is a matter of opinion,
not understanding. We all have strong feelings one way or the other.
On one side of the debate, some believe it’s the root of all that is corrupt and evil.
Conversely, greed is seen and often celebrated as the key behavior that allowed
our species to adapt and evolve so successfully.
But what exactly is greed? Is it an immutable algorithm hardwired in our DNA,
a survival instinct that triggers responses to a constantly changing environment
that can turn hostile at any moment?
Maybe greed is an emotional reaction to our cultural reward system?
Or the embodiment of the darkest side of our natures, rooted in fear?
When you get down to it, you realize how little we really know about 'greed.'
Still, we’re somehow certain about the effects of greed on individuals and our society.
Understanding the effects of this behavior, without understanding its underlying causes,
is a dangerous leap of faith. It’s critical that we come to terms with greed at a
deeper level if we are to find a ‘cure,’ and not just treat its short-term symptoms.
We need to dig deeper and investigate how greed shapes our personal and cultural values,
and how these in turn affect our potential as a civilization and our future as a species.
‘The Cure For Greed’ is an iconic object that sparks an internal and social dialogue
on all aspects of ‘greed,’ the benefits as well as dangers of this basic and pervasive
human behavior. It’s an invitation to reexamine our assumptions and inject them with
the type of energy that will ensure new and evolving perspectives.
Our hope is to learn from this process, and grow, to become more human, not by
repressing our nature, but by transcending it with understanding and compassion.